The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

FISA and Giving Corporations Immunity, So They Don’t Rat Out Corrupt Politicians

June 19th, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

I do not support any FISA legislation that includes telecom wiretap immunity.  If the telecom companies get away with this, then most likely the administration will get away with any and all of the crimes they are guilty of. I assume that they will find a way to pardon all of the law breakers in the end, but this was too big, so they need congress to do their dirty work.

You know this is wrong. You probably went to the same public schools I did and learned the same American History. How can this be reconciled with what we know about the ideals that the United States of America was founded on?

With the building scrutiny about other matters concerning the current presidents, their policies,and their decisions, I beg you to find yourself on the correct side of history and contact your representative in congress. In history’s rear view mirror, those that stood by the constitution during this time, including yourself, will be seen as a savior of our constitutional democracy.

Please standup for what you know is right and do not support any FISA legislation including telecom wiretap immunity.

Will Progressive Radio Disappear in Columbus, Again?

June 6th, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

I am not completely surprised that WVKO-1580AM radio in Columbus, Ohio is soliciting donations to continue broadcasting Air America, Jones, and NovaM network progressive radio programs.  I received an e-mail recently asking for a donation to help WVKO defray operating costs.  The reason given was that they Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Stephanie Millercouldn’t get enough advertisers. 

Since the previous radio station carrying progressive programming, WTPG-1230AM, was removed from the air by Clear Channel Broadcasting after making small gains in local ratings, there had been no progressive station in the Columbus area. Because of that reality, many former WTPG listeners turned to the Internet and satellite radio for Air America, etc. Others chose to subscribe to podcasts of their favorite show or shows that they were listening to on WTPG, as I did.

Alternate media sources is just one of the reasons why advertisers, and maybe listeners, have not flocked to WVKO since it returned the progressive format to the Columbus air waves. Because of its minimal coverage area and legal necessity to reduce power at sundown, I’ll bet most people didn’t even know that WVKO had changed formats and progressive talk was back on the air again. 

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The Real McCain

May 31st, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

I voted for John McCain in the 2000 Ohio Republican primary. I believed he had the answer. But the question might have really been, "Am I tired of all of the 24 hour Clinton bashing?". Even though I defected temporarily to the Republicans, I knew there was trouble coming if George Bush was nominated. I never gave it any thought that I was doing what so many Republicans did in 2008 during Rush Limbaugh’s "Operation Chaos". But I did believe in McCain, but I also feared W.

Had I done any research on John McCain, one thing I wouldn’t have been able to understand was McCain’s involvement with the 1990-ish Savings and Loan crisis’ infamous "Keating Five". I certainly could not have reconciled his involvement with the four Democratic senators, including John Glenn from Ohio, for their hand in covering up wrongdoing by these fat-cat criminals. If you dig a little deeper in the Savings and Loan crisis, you find Neil Bush, George’s older brother. It doesn’t surprise me that a Bush could be involved in such a disaster. But that’s not the John McCain I thought I was voting for.

     Press    Press Play   to watch "The Real John McCain"

Randi Rhodes and Air America

May 23rd, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

Randi Rhodes Over a month ago, Air America on-air personality Randi Rhodes, was suspended (she later quit), for calling Hillary Clinton “A F***ing Whore” during what she called “a standup comedy routine”, onstage (off-air) in San Francisco.  (see April 3, 2008 NY Times article)  I believe that Randi really thought that comment would be  funny, and to many people, it was. But I really wish Randi had not used such an explicit description of Mrs. Clinton, and I bet deep down, Randi  wishes she hadn’t either. That only gave the Clinton-ista’s and Air America a reason to silence an opposition opinion. I agree with Randi’s basic problems with Hillary, but calling her that was a little too harsh.

It is my suspicion that Randi Rhodes was shown the door because she did not “Toe the Line” established by her employer quite enough, whose preference might be Mrs. Clinton for president in 2008. As I said, I think the comments by Randi that caused all this to occur, were over-the-top. I do understand that she was acting as representative of Air America at this event. And no matter what she says, I understand the significance of that scenario. On the other hand, Randi was one of the more popular personalities on Air America and many of her listeners were very disappointed that Air America no longer carries her program.

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Distorted Views of Elitism

April 18th, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

As the Clinton campaign nears the end of its life, as a last-ditch hope, they have made an issue of some recent remarks by Barack Obama as proof that he is some sort of intellectual or financial elitist. It is humorous that the two other candidates for president in 2008, one a Republican and the other a Democrat, would make such a charge against Mr. Obama. This issue has been curiously repeated by the McCain campaign after the Clinton campaign made an issue of it to start with. Obviously both Republican and Democrat national committees consider Mr. Obama a threat and are in apparently some kind of sync.

As far as being a financial elitist, if you compare Mr. Obama with me, I will admit to you that he is much more elitist than I am. Between his and his wife’s salaries, the Obama’s were able to earn close to $4.2 million last year, mostly from his book sales. On the other hand in the last 10 years, the Clintons earned around $110 million. Quite a bit more.

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Bill Maher: 9/11 Conspiracy Hater?

October 24th, 2007 . by Alexander Fisher

On October 19, during the live broadcast of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, several members of a group trying to advance 9/11 conspiracy theories disrupted the show and one or more people were thrown out of the audience by the show’s staff. An aggravated Bill Maher even feigned some help to those that assisted at least one person to the door.

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The Iraq Occupation, Unscrambled.

October 4th, 2007 . by Alexander Fisher

One of the things that the Iraq invasion and occupation has taught me is the difference between the Muslim groups that are involved in the struggle for dominance in the region of the Middle East the United Sates is currently stuck in. I never would have known that there were any differences between them at all. I guess I should have realized this knowing that Christian groups have the same distrust of each other’s motives. There’s nothing like a little religion to alienate humans from one another.

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Canceling 2004 Primaries Hurt Republicans Badly

March 13th, 2007 . by Alexander Fisher

Back in 2003, I wrote in my blog Republican Primaries, or the lack thereof that Republicans not having a primary was a very foolish thing to do. Judging by the candidates running for presidential nomination so far from the Republican Party in 2007, the inability to run as a presidential candidate in 2004, even in the primary, hurt the Republicans more than they could have imagined at the time. I think the whole Republican Party leadership was so drunk on power, that they placed their trust in just a few people. Those people were very charismatic, talked really loud, and convinced the majority of the party that there was no need to hold a primary because everyone loved the president so much. Several other reasons were given for the need to support George Bush and George Bush only. Most concerned party loyalty and the possibility of fracturing the support for the president. The last thing Bush’s supporters needed were any pre-election discussions of the administration’s actual performance.

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Voting Machine Accountability

November 27th, 2006 . by Alexander Fisher

Of all of the things that I want the new Congress to do when they take control in January, I would prefer that they start with a national standard for voting machines. That standard should include a requirement for open source code on any computer calculator. In addition all machines should be regularly inspected by programming and mechanical professionals to determine if there are any system errors or malfeasance that would incorrectly calculate the number of votes.

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Election Time 2006

November 18th, 2006 . by Alexander Fisher

As I look back on things that I would have done over the years, I would have bought stock in my previous company just before it was purchased by Sprint. Another thing I would have done would be to invest in defense contractors, oil companies, and the pharmaceutical industry after George W. Bush was appointed president in 2000. At this moment I feel it would be a good investment to invest in companies that make paper shredding machines or perform that service in the Washington D.C. area. No doubt the shredding has already begun.

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