The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

Real American Heroes

June 1st, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher

In American history there have been times when it made you more famous to be arrogant, manipulative, and/or vicious than helpful to others. I grew up respecting people like Thomas Edison, only to realize later the mean spirited vindictive person that he truly was. Not only was he difficult, but many of the inventions that he would take credit for were only loosely based on his ideas or not at all. Many were invented by unknown engineers who never were credited properly for their genius.

It is the same for our military. We will never know how many people at the bottom of the ladder were instrumental in creating or saving our country, because the credit was given to the Generals or Presidents instead.

Her are some real American heroes!




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