The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

Republican Primaries, or the lack thereof

December 26th, 2003 . by Alexander Fisher

I just don’t understand the everyday member of the Republican party these days. They have a president who thinks he is king and that the constitution is just a hinderence. Then they decide the common Republican cannot decide to choose to vote for George Bush, so they don’t have primaries and no one has any choice. Why is there no Republican backlash?

I do think that many people, including John McCain, believe that the world would be a better place today had John McCain been elected. I believe McCain would have won the election easily against Al Gore. I switched parties and voted in the Republican primary, not just because I wanted to hurt George Bush’s chances to be elected…well, not just that, but because I believe that John McCain is a true American hero that served his country with honor. Given that Bush went AWOL from the National Guards, and was not punished, I can clearly see the difference in his sense of honor and duty. Bush couldn’t even bring himself to hang on to his companies failing stock in a company he was supposedly CEO of. How much he was responsible for day to day operations is questionable, but holding onto his stock was the moral and honorable thing for the king of America to do. If he had been a ship captain, he’d have been the first into the life boat as it sank, I’m guessing. That’s the choice that Republicans have this election. No choice at all. I’m sure Lenin and Stalin would approve.

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