The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

Mixed Up Priorities

May 15th, 2005 . by Alexander Fisher

Why does the media not report important news first anymore? It seems that the news that should be on page one is now on page twenty. If the mistakes that the Bush regime has made, were made in the Clinton presidency, there would have been hell to pay. Now Republican moral, policy, fund raising, and governmental financial planning mistakes only merit a small article in the bottom right corner of page 19B, if they are reported at all. Just because Bush’s controllers have him lie and then more than two years have passed, that still doesn’t make his lies true. Where is our media? Is this a knee jerk to the far right that resulted from the mostly moderate media being embarrassed by being called liberal or is this the billionaire media moguls aiding and abetting the revolution that throws out all democratic principles? Arrggh!

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