The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

Work Rules?

March 30th, 2004 . by Alexander Fisher

When you are a new employee, you get put through a probationary period. I am still in mine at my new job. It seems that there is some rule that I broke about being sick during the first three months or six months depending on who tells me. I was the talk of the department last Friday, I guess. Several people asked me if the boss had said anything about my situation and this policy, which he had evidently discussed with them in detail when I wasn?t there. I told them no, he hadn’t.

I don?t doubt that the policy exists and I am truly sorry that I was sick, but I’d rather hear about these things clearly from the source rather than every other person I work with. I am not sure if I am in trouble for being sick or not. Some people just don’t communicate well. Never let it be said that I would ask either. I would rather not know.

I really hate being sick. Although I was sick all week, last Thursday from about four o’clock PM until about five o’clock PM Friday, was the worst. I must have gone through a box and a half of tissues. My nose and eyes were red and sore. My eyes watered so bad I could barely see. That’s a part of me that will never go away. I have had these watery-eyed sinus infections almost annually ever since I can remember. Once when I worked at the same place I do now back in the 80’s, I was so sick that the company sent me flowers.

Friday morning I had to drive home from Columbus and then to within a half mile of Michigan, to my doctor’s office. He gave me a prescription and I felt better within hours. What did we ever do without antibiotics?

(You probably got fired for missing too much work during your probationary period.)

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