The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

The Discussion We Need To Have About The NFL

February 6th, 2016 . by Alexander Fisher

No matter how much I have always loved the Cleveland Browns, I think that the NFL has gotten too big and powerful. You aren’t even allowed to say “Super Bowl” on television without their permission. Public financed stadiums make little sense when the teams and league are phenomenally wealthy. Corporate team owners often select the team’s hometown based on which city is willing to go into debt further to build a shiny new football field for them. The takeover of our colleges for the needs of the football team pushes the education they were founded for to the background. No one should disagree that a college football coach shouldn’t make more than the university president, state governor, or a U.S. president. None of this is fiscally responsible behavior in any way.

I never watch the Super Bowl. This time is no different. It is mainly because the Browns aren’t in it. But my love of the Browns should never interfere with what I see as tax payers being robbed and football fans being terrorized. Just ask the fans in St. Louis.

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