The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

My Newest Recording – Sorry It Came To This (remix)

May 15th, 2012 . by Alexander Fisher

GUITAR1I recorded Sorry It Came To This many years ago on my 4 track tape recorder. I had worked on it a couple of years ago, but I thought it was in need of a remix. It was mainly that the vocals were too low, but there were other problems as well. Originally I had to sync all the tracks, replace live drum tracks with near exact MIDI performances and lined up the song to a timeline. Not an easy job for the way I recorded back then. It must have been one of the first I edited in such a way. I put a lot of work in just the timings alone. The beat on a second look is near perfect. It’s hard to tell when you are still working on it. It takes some time to cool down from it.

I wrote Sorry It Came To This about a time when I just couldn’t get it together while others were conspiring to overthrow my regime. Or something like that.



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