The Linear Canvas
This journal is about the wrongs and rights of the world, as I see them.

The Linear Canvas

My Newest Recordings – The Old Prisoner (re-post)

December 26th, 2011 . by Alexander Fisher

Image_00012The Old Prisoner isn’t really a new recording or even a remix. It is just one of my favorite songs that I’ve written. I decided to re-post it because I think it kicks butt. It’s a little bit outlaw southern rock, folk rock and hard rock. That kind of sums me up as a musician really.

I wrote it thinking about my uncle, Hurshel Kelly and his life growing up in eastern Kentucky. It’s about needing to escape from a reality that can become a confinement to some, but liberation for many others. The prisons that I refer to are more a metaphor for the chains and shackles that we constrain ourselves and others with. Sometimes the same prisons become very comfortable and we long to return to them, regardless of the reasons we are driven from them originally.

The Old Prisoner

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